Wednesday 28 September 2011

Analysis of different media

Music Video analysis

Ok, Go - Here it goes again.

This music video has became iconic. This is the band Ok,Go who are an indie band from America. This video is so simple but yet so effective. For the whole of this four minute sequence the camera angle/shot does not change, it stays focused in a wide shot so it can show the whole of the band members and the treadmills they are performing on.
The choreography is this video is essential as if it weren't for this then the whole video would be pointless. The choreography  creates a sense of humor to the video and also incites us, the audience, to carry on watching. 
High key lighting is used through out the video because it allows the audience to see every movement which is made, facial expressions and there clothing.
There is not a lot that i can comment on in the video as it is so simple. 

Digipak Analysis

Florence And The Machine - Lungs

A digipack is vital for a marketing strategy. This digipack is promoting not only the album, it also promotes the song and the music video as using the artistic work it all relates to each other. The mid shot of Florence on the front cover shows clearly the use of iconic image of herself surrounded by the natural/flowery background, and her costume shows the genre of the album which is Indie. The repetion of the image of Lungs not only on the front cover but the back shows the emphasize of the iconic imagery that they used to promote the album. The font that they've used is a san serif font to convey a classic look which is depicted through the way the background colour is black and the fonts are white along with the picture of the lungs and the other informations available. 
A similar imagery is used in the music video "Rabbit Heart"

And this also ties in with the artist's myspace page

and the official website

the recurring image of the lungs and the font used for "Florence + the Machine" is seen all over on their websites, video, and album. This shows the emphasize of using iconic imagery for their marketing strategy. 

Magazine cover analysis 

This is a music magazine called 'VIBE'. This is a monthly magazine which is sold all over the country in places such as supermarkets, music stores, newsagents etc.

The first thing we see is the cover model, Kanye West. He is staring directly down the camera lens to create intensity for the consumer. Also this is a mid-close up which allows the audience to see his facial expression in great detail and to also recognise who it is.
All of the subheadings and page splashes all keep with the same colour theme, pink and blue, this is to make the cover look familiar and it also incorporated with the cover stars oufit by highlighting the blue collar of the models jacket. The magazine title is the  largest piece of text to show it's importance over the other subheadings. This is an example of an information hierarchy. We then see the cover story,' KANYE WEST I AM RAP', Is the second largest piece of text on the cover which again shows a form of information hierarchy.

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