Wednesday 28 September 2011

Research and Planning

For my research i have created a basic questionarrie. This is to collect an audiences opinion and to make sure that my music video is everything that my target audience want. I handed out a total of 80 questionnaries to people of all ages so i would be able to get a wider view of opinions.
This is a temple of my questionarries:

Music video survey for A2 MEDIA

1.     What gender are you?

Male             Female
2.     How old are you?

11-16         16-18          18-21        2 1+

3.     What type of music do you listen to?

                        Indie      Pop     Dance     R’n’B    Drum’n’Bass    Other

4.     Do you watch music videos?

                                             Yes        No     Sometimes

5.     How long should a music video be?

                          2 – 3 mins     3 – 4 mins     4-5 mins

6.     Do you like to see the music video have a storyline?

                              Yes         No

7.     Do you like to see special effects in a music video?

                       Yes         No

8.     Do you like music videos to be realistic or unrealistic?

                              Realistic                  Unrealistic

9.     What attracts you too a music video?

The artist      Reviews        the genre               technical construction     

10.   What would you expect to see in a drum’n’bass video?


Data Evaluation

I have collected my data and made them into pie charts.

Question one, Gender.
i have worked out that 56% of the partcipants were female and the other 44% were male. I think this is a good percentage of results as it is will not be biased.

Question two, Age.
These are the perectanges of the age ranges in my research:

11-16 = 15%
16-18 = 36%
18-21 = 30%
   21+ = 19%

The age group who most answered my questionnaire were the ages 16-21. This age group is my target audience.

Question three, Gerne.
These are the results from question three:

Indie = 12%
Pop =    33%
Dance = 10%
R’n’B   = 14%
Drum’n’Bass   = 22%
Other = 9%

Question four
The reason i asked this question was to see how the genreal public felt about music videos and how popular they are. These are the results:

Yes = 84%
No = 6%
Sometimes = 10%

Thses results show that music videos are popular and that it was a good choice to choose this project so i am very confident that this will be a success.

Question five
Asking this question helps me to indicate how long my music video should be.

2-3 mins - 59%
3-4 mins - 40%
4-5 mins - 1%

Question Six
This question shows me wheather or not to use a storyline in my video.

Yes - 36%
No - 64%

From these results i will not base my music video on a storyline.

Question Seven
Asking this question will show if i decide to use special effects when making my music video.

Yes - 75%
No - 25%

Due to these results i will try to use different special effects in my video.

Question Eight
These results for this question will determine the whole 'feeling' of my music video.

Realistic = 89%
Unrealistic = 11%

I will try to make my video as realistic as possible as the majority of people prefer realistic videos to un-realistic videos.

Question Nine
This question will help me with creating my digipak and magazine article as i can see what aspect of the video to present  more than others.

The Artist - 20%
Reviews - 10%
The Genre - 67%
Technical construcution - 3%

The genre is the most important attraction to a music video according to my research.

Conclusion of results from my questionnaire.

From my results i now have a basic idea of my my music video is going to include. My music video is going to be between 2-3 minutes long and be as realistic as i can possibly make it. I will also try to uses special effects as much as i can and also try not to have a blatant story line. I am going to make this video to target my main audience, 16-21 year olds. I am going to make it urban and current just like the style of Chase and Status.

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