Wednesday 5 October 2011

New media being used

New media

New types of media are developing everyday. An example of this is caused through the internet being able to offer a whole range of ways to advertise, organise and to communicate to the whole world. E.g: Facebook, Msn, Myspace, Blogger, Twitter. The list goes on of social networks that are a vital key in our generations day to day life to communicate and share with our peers.
Also there are different types of media editing being developed each year. For example Photoshop is an editing software which is used in every aspect of visual media such as magazine covers, digipacks, posters, adverts etc. I will use this photograph as an example and to show how this software can manipulate images and i will show the transition using screen grabs.

Original photo:

For this shot I wanted the crossing box to remain yellow while the background is de-saturated so it appears black and white.

Firstly I used a magnetic lasso to select around the crossing box then inverted the shot so that all editing will only affect the background. I then increase the contrast and brightness.

I then de-saturated the shot as I wanted it to appear black and white. I also decreased the lightness of the shot so it would create more contrast with the yellow crossing box.

I then increased the contrast and brightness of the crossing box so that it will contrast more with the background.

And this is what the final picture looks like:

I will use this software to edit my pictures for my digipack and advert for my music video.


I will be using a Nikon D60 SLR camera to shoot the photographs for my advert and digipack. This camera takes high quality pictures and has a built in flash. Also i can change the settings, (ISO,Shutter speeds, etc, to create different textured and creative shots.

For the production part of my music video i will be using a Sony A1E camera. With this piece of filming equipment you can shoot in HDV mode and edit in Standard DV mode if you don’t yet have an edit system capable of dealing with HDV which means i will be able to use and edit easily.

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